Our first Christmas in 2024 with two grandbabies – a heartwarming holiday recap.

Christmas 2024 Recap

I’ve celebrated 49 Christmases in my life, some good and some not so good. Christmas 2024 was the absolute best and I didn’t get a single physical gift.

Prepping on Christmas Eve

I spent Christmas Eve at home with my pets and Alexa playing holiday music throughout the house. My goal was to make goodies to pack and share with the family the next day.

I made buckeyes for my son and daughter-in-law because it’s their favorite homemade, chocolate and peanut butter treat. Fudge was also requested, so I made two batches. One had walnuts and the other was plain. My final creation was something new this year and was for my mom: lemon fudge. It might sound gross but was really good.

I again tested the Tonie Box and all the Tonies (talked about in this post). I wanted this gift to be a big hit! I also spent this day making sure all of the presents were wrapped and put in tubs for traveling the next morning. I’ve already written a post about how my Christmas spirit returned, but this day felt like the top of the spirit meter. My heart was full of love and anticipation to see the joy on Christmas.

For the couple of gifts for the grandkids that were in big boxes in my trunk and needed to be set-up outside, I printed photos of the items being used by smiling kids from the product listings, folded the pages, and put in a box for my grandson to unwrap. At least this way he would be able to see what he has – when daddy gets around to building them.

Excitement on Christmas Day

I woke up at about 5:30 am on Christmas day and wondered if my grandson was still sleeping or awake and ready to start tearing through gifts. The plan was to be there at 8 AM, then we’d get started, but I couldn’t wait. I left home around 7 AM and was at the house by 7:30 AM. Shortly after that, the other grandma also showed up. Everyone was up and ready for the fun to begin!

My grandson is 2 years old (almost 3 years) and was legitimately happy after opening each and every present. He had quite a few boxes of clothes and eventually he knew the shape of those boxes and his excitement dwindled when opening those. I’m the same way at almost 50 years old. Clothes are just so boring to me, even though we all need them.

My granddaughter is still a baby, but can sit up by herself. So, she had a good time, with her mom’s help, opening her new toys. She got some duplicate toys, but she didn’t mind. Now, if her brother takes one, she’ll still have a copy of her own.

That morning, a few of my grandson’s favorite things were: a hot wheels race track, a basketball hoop, a doctor bag with equipment, a piano with microphone, Spiderman walkie talkies, and the Tonie box. He seemed to gravitate to the Peppa Pig and Moana Tonies so far. But, he was happy with the Creative Tonie I made with my voice and our special little song I sang from the time I first met him at 2 days old.

Christmas Continues Even After the Gifts

Our family spent the entire day together until early afternoon. We laughed, played and told stories. I swear, it was the greatest day I’ve probably ever had and it was so simple. Just being with the people I truly love and I know for certain, love me unconditionally, is magical. I feel so blessed because I know many people don’t get this opportunity.

I recently told my son I knew I was working hard for a better life and to be a better person as time went on, but I think life has exceeded even my prayers. I never knew to pray for the people or life I have now. This really solidifies my faith, knowing that God uses everything for good and can do anything in our lives.

One of my greatest gifts this year was the text I got the next morning from my son, that brought tears to my eyes and so much happiness to my heart. I won’t copy verbatim, but he said as him and his wife were taking down the tree, they realized this was the greatest Christmas even though they had no gifts under the tree. The joy and happiness their children had made the day perfect and they thanked me for my part in that. I knew I raised a good man, but sometimes he really exceeds my expectations! He finally feels a little of how I did being his mom – no matter what, nothing can beat the true happiness your children feel. My son warned me he didn’t want a long, emotional conversation, he just wanted me to know. I understood that and there really wasn’t a reason to drag this out. I just said it was all my pleasure and I know exactly how they feel.

I truly hope anyone that reads these first posts on my new blog had a joyous holiday season and finds some happiness or hope here. I was a scared 16 year old, pregnant girl at one time and now I’m surrounded by a mom that loves me, a son that started his own perfect little family and his little mini-me, that loves his Mimi unconditionally and brings me so much joy. You never know where life will take you, just keep making the best of it!

Kari Lee's signature image with 'With Love & Laughter, Kari Lee' from Project: Improve Me.


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